Wings (Ailes)

                          Aerofoils sections                   Root          NACA 23.01 9                  (emplanture)
                          (Profils d'aile)
                                                                                tip            NACA  23.012               (bord marginal)

                          Aspect radio                                                                         6.83

                          Chord at root                                                                        5  foot  7’                     (1.70 m)
                          (Corde d'emplanture)

                          Chord at tip                                                                          2  foot  10’                   (0785 m)
                          (Corde marginale)

                          Dihedral                                                                                 6°5

                        Incidence at root (Incidence)                                         3°   (à 1’emplemture)
                          “     at tip                                                                            0°   (marginale)

          Type of structure : mono spar all   metal (Duralumin AU 4G)
          (Type de structure : mono longeron entièrement en métal léger)

        Ailerons   Slotted type, all metal
       (Ailerons   à fente, entièrement métalliques)

        Flaps : Slotted type, all metal
        (Volets : à fente, entièrement métalliques)


Mono coque type all metal with working skin on bulkead and stiffeners
(Mono coque tout métal à revêtement travaillant sur couples et lisses)

Tail (Empennage)

Mono spar structure, all metal, with elevators
(Mono longeron, tout métal avec volets)

Landing Gear (Train d'atterrissage)

Type ; retractable with nose wheel (rentrant tricycle)
Method of retraction : hydraulic pressure, with hand pump, hydro-air accumulator and jacks (could be an electric pump) (commande hydraulique par pompe à main ou électrique, accu et vérins)

Shocks absorber : hydro-air
(Amortisseurs oléopneumatiques)

Wheels and tyres : nose     5.00 x  4 (AV.)
(Roues et pneus) : main     5.00 x  5 (AR)

Power plant (Groupe moteur)

RD 02A            90 or 100  HP
RD 03               150/160    HP

Fuel tanks (Réservoirs)

   RD 02A                              2 fuel-tanks in the wings                                 (22 g)
                                                (réservoirs d’aile)                                             (100 1)

   RD 03                                 4 fuel tanks in the wings                                  (40g) Structural tanks
                                                (réservoirs d'aile                                               (180 l) intégrés

Refuelling points : 2 on top of wing
(remplissage des réservoirs : 2 sur l'extrados des ailes)

Accommodation (Aménagement)

               Number of crew               one
               (nbr  d’équipage)              (un)

               Number of passagers        
               (nbr de passagers)       
                                                            RD 02A one    (un)
                                                            RD 03    three (trois)


Wing span                                                                          28 ft 11 Inch. ( 8.820 m)

                      Length over all                                           RD 02A           21 ft 2 Inch.       ( 6.45 m)
                      (Longueur hors tout)
                                                                                   RD 03            22 ft 7 Inch.                  ( 6.875 m)

                      Width inside of fuselage                                                    3 ft 7 Inch.      ( 1.100 m)
                      (Largeur intérieure)

                      Height over all                                                                            7 ft 8 1/2 inches                          ( 2.600 m)
                      (Hauteur totale)

                      Tailplane span                                                                            10 ft                                              ( 3.050 m)
                       (Envergure de l'empennage horizontal)

   Areas (surfaces)

                   Wing                                                                                                         122.6 sq f.                            (11.388 m2)

                   Ailerons (total)                                                                                            7.3 sq f.                           (0.680 m2)

                   Plaps (total)                                                                                              17.5 sq f.                             (1.630 m2)

                   Fin                                                                                                               7.8  sq f.                               (0.725 m2)

                   Rudder                                                                                          4.9  sq.f.                            (0.455 m2)
                   (volet direction)

                   Tailplane                                                                                                   12.9 sq f.                                 (1.200 m2)
                   (plan fixe horizontal)

                   Elevators                                                                                                   10.00 sq f.                              (0.930 m2)
                   (volet de profondeur)

Weights (Poids)

                   Empty weight (V.F.R. + Com + Nav  radio)
                 (Poids à vide)

                                      RD 02A (100 HP)                                                    1005      lb (cat. U)                                      (455      kg.)

                                      RD 03 (150 HP)                                                       1070      lb (cat. U or N)                             (485      kg.)

                   Cross weight
                   (Poids total max.)

                                          RD-02A           (100 Hp)   1578 lb (cat. U) (715 kg)
                                          RD 03              (150 HP)  1854  Ib (cat. U) (840 kg)
                                                                                    2053 lb (cat. N)   (930  kg)

Maximum weight authorised 2230 Ibs 1010 kg (poids max. autorisé)

Max wing loading
(charge ailaire max)

                                          RD 02A                                                  12.96 lb per  Sq/f                                                  ( 62.8 kg/m2)
                                          RD 03                                                  15.1     -     (cat. U)                                                    ( 73.7 kg/m2)
                                                                                                       16. 9    -      (cat. N)                                                   ( 88. 7 kg/m2)

            Max  power loading
           (charge au CV  max.)

                                          RD 02A .(100. HP)                                        15.8 lb/HP                                                   (7.15 kg/CV)

                                          RD 03     (150  HP)                                        12.36                         (cat U)                       ( 5.6 kg/cv)
                                                                                                                    13. 70                        (cat N).                      ( 6.2 kg/cv)

Performances (at max take-off weight) (au poids max: de décollage)
         Max sea level speed (Vitesse max. au niveau de la mer)
                                                RD 02A (100 HP)                                                152 m.p.h.                                                (245 km/h.)
                                           RD 03 cat U (150 HP)                                              170                                                            (275 km/h.)
                                              RD 03 cat M (150 HP)                                          166.                                                           (270 km/h.)

                          Max diving speed (Vitesse max de piqué)

                                              RD 02A (100 HP) cat U                                        195 mph.                                                  (316 km/h.)
                                          RD 03   cat U (150 HP)                                            195                                                            (316 km/h.)
                                              RD 03   cat N (15O.")                                            209                                                            (339 km/h.)

                         Max cruising speed at sea. Level  (vitesse max. de croisière)
                                                               RD 02A    (100 HP)                      138 m.p.h.                                                         (223 km/h.)
                                                                RD 03   U     (l50.Hp)                     157.5                                                               (253 km/h.)
                                                                RD 03  N (150 HP)                       153                                                                     (246km/h.)

Stalling speed (vitesse de décrochage)                                                          avec    ou     sans volets                                    
                                                                                                                              with flaps      without
                                             RD      02A
                                             RD       03           cat.            U                                     62.2         67.0                       (100-108 km/h.)
                                             RD       03           cat.            N                                     66.0         71..9                      (105-115 km/h.)

Rate of climb at sea level (vitesse ascensionnelle au niveau de la mer)

                             RD 02A                                              650 feet/min                                                  (3.25 m/sec)
                             RD 03 (U)                                          1200                                                                 (6.00 m/sec)
                             RD 03 (N)                                          1000                                                                 (5.00 m/sec)

      Service ceiling (plafond)

                             RD 02A                                           15 000 feet                                                        (4.500 m)
                             RD 03 (U)                                       16 500 feet                                                        (5.000 m)
                             RD 03 (N)                                       15 000 feet                                                        (4.500 m)

Take off distance    to 50  feet
(Distance  de décollage pour passer l'obstacle de 15 m de hauteur)

                             RD 02A                          1500 feet      (450 m)
                             RD 03 (U)                      1500 feet      (450 m)
                             RD 03 (N)                      1700 feet      (510 m)

Landing distance   from 50 feet
(Distance d'atterrissage après passage de l'obstacle de 15 m)

                             RD-02A                                        1 640 ft                                                                   (500 m)
                             RD-03              (U)                       1 640 ft                                                                   (500 m)
                             RD-03              (N)                       1 700 ft                                                                   (515 m)

Range with max fuel less 1/2 hour of security at max cruising speed (75 % power max)
(Rayon d'action avec une 1/2 heure de sécurité, à la vitesse de croisière max (à 75 % de la puissance)

                             RD 02A                                              518 n.m.                                                       (960km)
                                RD 03 (U)                                           510 n.m.                                                       (950km)
                                RD 03 (N)                                           590 n.m.                                                    (1100km)


In normal category one can utilise the full capacity of the integral tanks which is of 40 g.
(En catégorie normale, on peut utiliser l’entière capacité des réservoirs Intégrés, qui est de 180 1)

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